Manolita Moore Portrait

Message From Manolita Moore, PetZONE360™ CEO

Welcome to the inaugural edition of PetZONE360™ e-newsletter! Last month we officially launched PetZONE360™ to the public. Briefly, PetZONE360™ is an innovative, one-stop-shop interactive platform to help pet parents’ access a variety of pet resources at their fingertips. In PetZONE360, you will find products, services, community forums, and more resources curated specifically for pet parents. I hope you’ll join soon and happy reading! Sign up is free or get additional discounts and content when you sign up for a Premium PZ3+ membership at just $25 a year. Additionally, we're excited to announce our collaboration with Pet Health Expo as their digital provider for their future events so that we can continue our shared mission of providing easier access to education and resources for pet parents.

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Did You Know?

80% of dogs and cats suffer from some form of gum disease, because pets do not routinely have their teeth brushed