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The Human-Animal Bond

I recently adopted a lovable Lab named Rex, my first dog! I’m excited about getting to know my new best friend. How can I bond with Rex?

Congratulations! You and Rex have lots of exciting, fun-filled moments for the rest of his life.

Dogs and humans have a special bond—the human-animal bond (HAB)— dating back over 15,000 years, from the time when humans lived as hunter-gatherers. Over time, this bond has evolved to our dogs becoming our beloved companions and family members. We shower our dogs with love, attention, and care, making that bond between us unshakeable.

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) defines the human-animal bond as “a mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between people and animals that is influenced by behaviors that are essential to the health and well-being of both.”

In other words, our loving bond with our dogs goes both ways.

Bonding with Rex will be one of the most memorable and meaningful things you do as a pet parent.

Benefits of the HAB Process

Before we discuss ways for you to bond with Rex, let’s look at some of the benefits to both of you. There human-animal bond has many benefits for pet parents:

  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Improved physical fitness
  • Reduced isolation and loneliness
  • More connection to our community
  • Feeling a sense of purpose and accomplishment
Dogs with a close connection to their owners can trust that their basic needs (e.g., food, shelter, medical care) will be met and that they’ll receive plenty of affection, attention, and love. For more tips on HAB and the benefits, see Tips & Tricks: Five Ways to Bond With Your Four-legged Bestie with Kathy Adamson, DVM

So, bonding with Rex is a win-win! Fortunately, the bonding process doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. It’s more important to create a bond with Rex that is strong, consistent, and built on mutual trust and understanding.

Let’s first consider a few things about the bonding process:

  • All dogs are unique. Dogs have unique personalities, likes, and dislikes, so not all bonding activities will work for every dog. Learning about Rex will help you determine how best to bond with him.
  • Be consistent. Dogs love consistency. A consistent routine builds trust, which is crucial to a strong bond.
  • Think quality, not quantity. Just 15 minutes of daily quality time with Rex can work wonders for building a strong bond with him.
  • Bonding is a journey. Your bond with Rex will evolve as you and he experience life’s changes together. There’s no need to rush the process.

Seven Ways to Bond With Your Pet

Okay, now for the fun stuff! Try out these bonding activities with Rex:

  1. Understand Rex’s body language. Dogs communicate so much to us through their body language. Understanding Rex’s body language will help you respond to him with the love and attention he needs.
  2. Make eye contact. Gazing into your Rex’s eyes releases oxytocin (the feel-good hormone) and helps foster mutual trust and love. Just don’t turn it into a staring contest!
  3. Snuggle with Rex. Snuggling helps build a close physical and emotional connection. Remember to be mindful of Rex’s need for some occasional alone time.
  4. Teach Rex new tricks. Helping Rex learn something new will help keep your bond with him fresh and exciting. For example, you can teach Rex how to lie down and roll over or sign up for an agility training course.
  5. Play activities that Rex likes. Does Rex love to play fetch? Throw him a tennis ball. Does he love to play with other dogs? Visit a local dog park.
  6. Give Rex enriching toys. Toys that make dogs work a bit, such as food puzzle toys, can be fun for you and Rex. Observe Rex as he plays to ensure he’s enjoying his toys and isn’t becoming frustrated with them. Also, make sure not to always give Rex a food puzzle toy; obesity is a common in problem in dogs, so you don’t want Rex’s play to always involve a food reward.
  7. Comfort Rex. Does Rex get spooked by thunderstorms or fireworks? Comforting Rex when he feels anxious or scared will help him trust you and feel safe with you. For example, you can wrap Rex in his favorite blanket or put him in a ThunderShirt®, which is a vest for dogs that helps relieve anxiety.

Enjoy this time of bonding with Rex, and have fun on the journey!

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